Spring into action and more action. Hopefully, ASL Tales can capture the attention of teachers, schools, libraries, literacy programs, ESL programs, and parents in order to teach language, literacy and multiculturalism to all kinds of kids. It is such fun and brings families together, in many languages, the word must get out there to help launch our children with the magic of storytelling, in visual and aural languages.
If you know anyone in education or parenting or childcare or pediatricians, send them my way. Also, send any ideas or suggestions on how to inform people about ASL Tales. Instead of working directly in public health (the area of my professional degree), I realized how much ASL Tales could prevent substance abuse, depression, teenage pregnancy and other public health problems associated with kids dropping out of their lives, because of frustration and lack of confidence in reading and connecting. Literacy and storytelling, especially in many languages, are great connectors to our human family.
Help me in my "public health" work, bringing language, literacy and laughter to children and families. Write any suggestions, or questions on how you can get involved, and if you want to donate to our literacy campaign, send a tax-deductible donation (check) to the above address.
Yours for language, literacy and more languages with laughter,
susan schaller
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