When we fear someone's difference, we cheat ourselves. When we open ourselves to learning from all people, we grow. Each of us are mirrors of each other. Therefore when I learn more from you, I learn more about myself. This is obvious when we travel to another culture. We would never see what we assume, until we leave our culture and language and bump up against a completely different set of assumptions. I never knew I was an American, until I left the United States.
I never knew I was hearing, until I met a Deaf person. I never knew how blind I was until I met the superior visual brains of people born deaf. They use much more of the brain's cortex for processing visual information than we, hearing people, do. My wish, before I die, is that people will talk more about that than about how to make deaf babies speak and hear.
In answer to the questions about my second book which was going to be published, it has morphed into a much better book. I did get a contract, but the censorship was so great that I didn't sign the contract. The good news is the book changed. Instead of The Languageless Tribe, I am writing a new book, Helen Keller's Mirror. It will contain some of the stories I have gathered for over a decade that were in the old book.
ASL Tales also took over my attention. Actually, my second book will be "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" with ASL Tales, in a couple of months.
Write me if you want to help me update and improve my website.
susan of susanschaller.com