Dear Faithful Readers,
Murphys' friendly residents welcomed me, warmed me and launched me into new creative spheres. My Little Yellow Cottage writing retreat helped me to incubate and hatch lively new creatures for the book in progress.
By the by, for those who have read the interview of my work (/ wherein it was announced my book would be published by the University of Gallaudet Press, I have an update:
I couldn't sign the contract they sent me. It came with censorship: I was told I could not write anything strongly against oralism.
Hmmmm? If oralism includes forbidding signing, and not being exposed to signing is the leading cause of raising children without language, how do I not say something negative about oralism?
The good news is that the censorship led me to review my manuscript with new eyes and heart. I have, once again, begun to rewrite my book. I do not want to argue with oralism or against oralists, and continue a war. I want to encourage parents to love their deaf babies, recognizing what tremendous visual creatures they are; to sign with them and learn how to see from these experts on seeing.
Any and all opinions, comments and suggestions are welcome. We need to be the change we want to see: Happy Birthday Gandhi.
Yours for non-violence and ending wars,
susan of