
Community Development

The ideal for workers in social service, education, politics or raising children is to work one's self out of a job. Success is moving someone from dependence to independence and the teacher, facilitator, politician, or mother is no longer needed.

Perhaps, I am out of a job for Deaf people are standing up for themselves for the first time in American history. I just came back from Milwaukee where Deaf people from all over the country stood up to the giant Alexander graham Bell association and said, "ENOUGH - NO MORE LANGUAGE ABUSE." The obvious theme was equal language rights for deaf babies with the explicit message that deaf babies are human babies first and their biological difference is secondary.

The Deaf Bilingual Coalition is using the same language, especially "human rights" that the World Federation of the Deaf (and I) have been using for decades. There have been many individuals, of course, who have understood the issue, but this was the first national organized rally by and of the Deaf community against the fanatical and ruling ideology of oralism.

I'm hoping that I have worked myself out of a job.

Yours for peace, justice, language rights, minority rights, equality - for COMMUNITY,

susan schaller