

Happy Old Year. Enjoy every moment of 2011, before rushing into that which is not.

Happy Day.

I need to meet a writing deadline, so see you next year.

signing off,

susan schaller


Thanksgiving Everyday

When we fear someone's difference, we cheat ourselves. When we open ourselves to learning from all people, we grow. Each of us are mirrors of each other. Therefore when I learn more from you, I learn more about myself. This is obvious when we travel to another culture. We would never see what we assume, until we leave our culture and language and bump up against a completely different set of assumptions. I never knew I was an American, until I left the United States.

I never knew I was hearing, until I met a Deaf person. I never knew how blind I was until I met the superior visual brains of people born deaf. They use much more of the brain's cortex for processing visual information than we, hearing people, do. My wish, before I die, is that people will talk more about that than about how to make deaf babies speak and hear.

In answer to the questions about my second book which was going to be published, it has morphed into a much better book. I did get a contract, but the censorship was so great that I didn't sign the contract. The good news is the book changed. Instead of The Languageless Tribe, I am writing a new book, Helen Keller's Mirror. It will contain some of the stories I have gathered for over a decade that were in the old book.

ASL Tales also took over my attention. Actually, my second book will be "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" with ASL Tales, in a couple of months.

Write me if you want to help me update and improve my website.

susan of


Almost October-Imagine

Imagine if we can rise above our differences and distinctions. Imagine if we can learn from those who are different from us, instead of asking, "What's wrong with them?"

I am hoping and working on ASL Tales and other projects which will be bridges and links to others who appear different, but are not. They are mirrors of us. We are all mirrors of each other. The more we accept others as just other bits of humanity, the more we learn about ourselves. You are not you by yourself and I am not me alone.
Specifically, we, hearing people, can learn how to see so much better if we learn from Deaf people who are geniuses at seeing.

Don't take my word for it, check out ASL Tales and see for yourself.

enjoy this day


July Lies Waiting for August Action

My blogging seems to have been non existent for June. I enjoyed café, face-face conversations, instead - How Old fashioned!

Whether blogging, talking in words or signs, reading or waxing eloquent on stage, we all love this symbol trading. We, humans, spend most of our time sharing symbols. We can't be human without other humans. Prisoners in solitary confinement, abused children or adults cowering under covers and deaf children not exposed to their natural, visual language - all haunt me. They are reminders of our first step to healing this hurting world, to connecting to our humanity. We must free ourselves, all of us, from our respective prisons.

Language connects us and helps us hold on to others who can guide us to doors or windows to freedom. Instead of blogging, I've been planning a language and literacy campaign to be launched in September. I, by myself, cannot achieve such a thing. However, a team of symbol mongers can. I'm out on the streets and byways (virtually and physically) shaking hands and collecting ideas.

Send questions, comments, suggestions - any helpful symbols - to help us get language and reading and writing skills to all our children.


Bilingual May Flowers

Spring into action and more action. Hopefully, ASL Tales can capture the attention of teachers, schools, libraries, literacy programs, ESL programs, and parents in order to teach language, literacy and multiculturalism to all kinds of kids. It is such fun and brings families together, in many languages, the word must get out there to help launch our children with the magic of storytelling, in visual and aural languages.

If you know anyone in education or parenting or childcare or pediatricians, send them my way. Also, send any ideas or suggestions on how to inform people about ASL Tales. Instead of working directly in public health (the area of my professional degree), I realized how much ASL Tales could prevent substance abuse, depression, teenage pregnancy and other public health problems associated with kids dropping out of their lives, because of frustration and lack of confidence in reading and connecting. Literacy and storytelling, especially in many languages, are great connectors to our human family.

Help me in my "public health" work, bringing language, literacy and laughter to children and families. Write any suggestions, or questions on how you can get involved, and if you want to donate to our literacy campaign, send a tax-deductible donation (check) to the above address.

Yours for language, literacy and more languages with laughter,

susan schaller


Berkeley version of Hansel & Gretel

While rewriting Grims' very grim, violent Hansel and Gretel, I thought why not change the world for everyone. Soon, ASL Tales will publish Hansel and Gretel where the witch is offered a choice to change her cannabalistic ways. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us not to fight the white man, but racism. Perhaps applying that principle to this violent fairy tale will raise a more mindful generation.

ASL Tales wants to change the world for all kids and their families. Watch for our new web site in June (hope, hope), and great stuff coming out - more books and iPads and learning tools.

Please send me any ideas or questions relating to bilingual storytelling to teach reading, language and more language.

And, enjoy April rains or flowers,

susan schaller

ASL Tales in Los Angeles

Greetings from Los Angeles where new programs, new books, DVDS and surprises have been and are being planned and fussed over.

Today, I head back to Berkeley via the train.

As I speed north on Amtrak, ASL Tales will speed along with me and my faithful laptop.

Stay tuned for the next exciting adventure in bilingual storytelling.

If you haven't checked us out - go to ASL

....... not after your coffee NOW!

For language and literacy,


Life is either a Daring Adventure or Nothing at All

Life is short and each day does matter. Today, I am researching how bilingualism can help children learn to read, think better, see better (English and ASL). Why is signing so attractive to almost all kids? Perhaps it is because it is one step closer to universal communication via body language, facial expressions, mime and movement. Anyone out there in cyberland who knows anything about early education or literacy or teaching ESL, write me and tell me what you think are the main problems facing teachers, schools, students and parents in early education.
Or, write me directlym at susan.schaller a t g m a i l . co...

Youra for language for EVERYONE,